Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hump Day Slump Day

I hate Wednesdays (or 2nd Mondays as I like to call them) almost as much as I hate Mondays.  I often find myself crying inside at the idea that the week is only half over.  Really?  It hasn't been a whole 5 days yet?  I wish that there was a balance in life. When I look at things week to week it seems to be drudging on and taking forever for anything to happen, but then I look at the grand scheme of things and I find myself scrambling to enjoy the moments when my "babies" are still babies.

I think today I want to talk about coffee.  Those that know me know that I have a self professed problem with coffee.  I love it and hate it all at once.  Coffee helps with things from regularity to motivation and that is why I love it.  I hate it because I do have to rely on it so much more than I'd like to.  If I don't have a coffee in the morning I am often short tempered, lethargic, and have that "why bother" attitude all day.  The days, however, when I do have coffee I find that I can convince myself to get more done.  Take for example today.  I had 2 servings of coffee (one good one and one that was just...meh).  In direct correlation, I also managed to make another large dent in the photographing and posting of the insane amount of children's toys I have.  I find this to be such a daunting task as I'm such a sentimental person, but yet a sane one too!

Sane side of me thinks, "Hey, lets either just get rid of everything and start fresh or super organize everything so stuff is easy to keep in its place and pieces don't get lost."  The sentimental side says, "We can't get rid of this half broken toy because Jake looked at it so cutely that one time 2 years ago!" LOL  Sometimes I hate sentimental me (and frankly, so does my closet!)

Then, when I think, "Hey, I'll sell Alphie." suddenly Jake takes a shining to him even though he hasn't played with him in a year and then I get the reminder of why I bought him (educational toys rock!) as well as why it is I want him to be sold (annoying voice and lots of cards to pick up OVER AND OVER!!)  Starting to really wonder about why I bought them Furbys for Christmas this year.

Then I sit here to write on my blog and think, hmmm...I really should be doing the dishes or something.  In fact, I'm pretty sure there's a load of laundry in the washer and dryer that could be dealt with too.  Grumble Grumble.  Where's my coffee? HA.

Children's it or hate it?  I really enjoy certain shows.  A few of my favourites are Wild Kratts and Octonauts.  I really love the integration of learning as well as the switching between real life images and animated characters.  I love when my kids really want to learn about things.  It makes me happy and gives me hope for their futures.

Well...overall, I don't feel like giving up on the day so that's a nice bonus.  Plus, I already have supper all put together. It just needs to go into the oven in about 30 minutes.

Mommy brain, let's talk about that for a while.  You know your brain cells have moved on when your 4 yr. old can finish your sentences with those words that just seem to be eluding you at the moment.  In fact it's SO frustrating to not be able to pull that word you are looking for out of the air and even MORE frustrating to have someone else pull it for you!  Google Calendar & Phone Alarms are the ONLY way that I don't forget to celebrate my own childrens' birthdays or to pick them up off the bus.  *sigh*

I have been trying to do at least 1 or 2 Sudoku puzzles daily just to keep my mind active and boy do I SUCK at them!  I used to be able to do the harder ones in about 5 minutes, but now I'm working on mediums and they are taking me 20 min. of solid working to get them.  Man my brain is fried!  In the spirit of Halloween, I think I'm turning into a Mombie!  LOL.

There's the phone alarm reminding me to get April off the bus.  Thank God for modern technology, and God forbid I ever lose my phone LOL.  Enjoy your day and may it be a productive 2nd Monday! LOL

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